Thursday 25 April 2024

Blog 11: Living in the Age of AI

 In class we watch the documentary, "Living the Age of AI" and it was shocking and interesting to see what is happening with the use of AI. Below are a few key points of what I learned: 

What is AI and how does it affect job loss? 

Artificial intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in the involvement of AI in society. In the documentary, I learned that AI can actually cause people to lose their jobs. Kai-Fu Lee states that he believes about 50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by AI in the next 15 years.  He explains that white collar jobs such as those of an attorney, healthcare professionals, finance professionals, and more will be easier for AI to take over because they are a pure quantitative analytical process. It was also said that robots cause jobs to go away because an AI robot does all the work that one or three humans could be doing, so it essentially replaces human work. 

Face Recognition: 

The ability to use face recognition is because of AI. It is able to recognize you in 0.1 seconds. The documentary explains that AI is better than any human at identifying people in the database. AI is also able to describe you, such as what color your hair is and what you are wearing. That kind of seems creepy to me knowing it is able to detect so much. For me, I use face recognition to help unlock my phone and apps that allow me to use it. I will admit it is so much easier to use this feature as I don't have to think about what all my different passcodes are, but after watching the documentary, it has shown a lot more of what AI is capable of, and knowing it can detect a lot more on databases that use AI is kind of scary. With advancements happening so often, it makes me wonder what AI will look like in 10 years, because right now it seems AI is slowly starting to take over. 

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