Thursday 25 April 2024

Blog #12: Final Post

 Technology has been around since the nineteenth century... so a very long time! Everyday technology is improving and going through cycles of change. It has changed our culture in countless ways. So how has technology impacted me? Has it made a positive or negative effect on me? Below I will be discussing my relationship with technology: 

What does my relationship with technology look like? 

I would say my relationship with technology is not healthy. Growing up in Generation Z, I have always been surrounded by technology, whether I knew it at the time. I still remember when my parents allowed me to get my first phone in 6th grade. I think that's when I began to develop my unhealthy relationship. My whole life is on my phone, and I've truly become addicted to it. I'm constantly having to be on my phone, whether it's to answer texts or check social media. In fact, the first thing I do when I wake up is go straight to my phone, as well as before I fall asleep. It's hard for me sometimes to sit through class without taking a glance at my phone. I honestly hate the feeling that I'm always relying on technology and sometimes get overwhelmed, but like mentioned above, it's truly an addiction. I use technology mostly to communicate and for entertainment. Looking at my screen time from last week, I had a total screen time of 48 hours. As you can see, I spent most of my time on social media. I definitely feel like technology is taking up too much of my time. 

Pros of technology: 

There are some positive things technology has done for me. First being away from home during the school year, I sometimes get homesick. I usually text my family every day, whether it's to talk to them or send pictures, but on the days I wish I was with them, I Facetime them. Facetime allows me to see them and talk to them, and without technology, that wouldn't be possible. Social media has also allowed me to keep in touch with other family and friends who live far away. Technology has helped me do schoolwork so much easier when it comes to completing assignments. Usually, when I'm stressed or have anxiety, I open the Spotify app, which is an app for music streaming, and listening to music helps calm and relax me. With technology, I'm able to document memories, whether they're pictures or videos, and through that, I'm able to look back on my past years. 

Mad World video: 

I think the Mad World video we watched in class accurately describes technology in today's society. Our whole class was left speechless after it finished playing. It mostly shows everyone walking around on their phone, paying no attention, which portrays society well. Take a look at a college campus, and you will find we are all glued to our phones, paying no attention to our surroundings. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen people almost get hit by a car because they were not paying attention. There's a moment in the video where it shows a woman getting butt filler and implants. Body image is a major issue, and with the use of technology, it only worsens as social media is full of influencers who live the "perfect life" and look "perfect." This causes women to think they have to change the way they look in order to fit into society, and it's honestly heartbreaking to see even young girls think this way. 

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Blog #12: Final Post

 Technology has been around since the nineteenth century... so a very long time! Everyday technology is improving and going through cycles o...