Wednesday 10 April 2024

Blog 5: EOTO Reaction

I enjoyed listening to my peers presentations on different communication technologies. There were a lot of interesting facts and new information I learned from the presentations, but one that caught my attention was the wired and wireless telegraph. Below are a few takeaways: 

Telegraph Invention of Samuel Morse 

 In the early 1700s, the vision of the telegraph began. The goal of  the telegraph would is to be able to send electric   signals across wires. Samuel Morse worked to improve  and make the vision of the telegraph come alive in 1832. He soon developed the Morse Code (named after himself), and with both creations, he presented his ideas to the U.S. Congress in 1838. Samuel Morse was the first inventor of the electrical telegraph to be supported by Congress, and many others tried to invent it but were not successful. 
Samuel Morse 

In 1842, Samuel Morse built a system from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, and on May 24, 1844, the first message to be sent from this invention was, "What hath God wrought?". As with most inventions, this was something that needed time to develop to become more efficient. It took many failed attempts, but finally Morse was able to expand his invention. A few problems with this are that the cost was expensive and the machine was in a building and not in your home. After the wireless telegraph was invented, it became the best invention up to date, but later, a newer invention would soon take its place. The wireless telegraph...

Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi was the most successful inventor in applying radio waves to human communication. He is known as the father of the wireless telegraph. In 1895, he sent a wireless Morse Code message and worked to improve his new invention of wireless telegraphy. In 1911, Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions to global communications. Guglielmo Marconi was also responsible for the development of the radio. In the 1920s, the world swiftly bought radios, and business and society learned to adapt to these new inventions. There is so much more that Marconi was responsible for with his development of the wireless telegraph and radio. He was quite the busy guy! 
Marconi's invention of the radio 

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