Tuesday 2 April 2024

Blog #4: EOTO

The internet has been around for quite a while and continues to improve each year. It has become engraved in our daily routines. As someone who spends time on the internet every day, it's important to learn how the internet surfaced. Here is a brief lesson on the internet: 

History of the Internet:

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 
The United States was heavily engaged in the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s and during this time, the United States was working efficiently to increase the science and technology we had here. In 1969, the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. The goal of this agency was to work on allowing multiple computers to communicate through a single network. 

Robert Kahn
In the same year of 1969, the internet became rooted in the U.S. and was becoming a great success, but only certain academic and research organizations that were connected with the Department of Defense were the only ones allowed to access the internet at the time. On October 29th, 1969, the agency sent the first message and communication to two computers, one located at UCLA and the other at Stanford. 
Vinton Cerf
During the 1970s, scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf were working to improve the internet and developed a model for how data could and should be transmitted between multiple networks. This led to the "modern" internet being born in 1983. After the modern internet was assembled, the internet became available for public use in 1991. 

These charts share the popularity of the internet between different countries as well as the total number of people using the internet. It starts in 1990 and goes up to 2016. North America is the dark green line on the charts. As it is shown, there has been a dramatic increase in America adapting to and using the internet over the years. 

Is there a difference between the Internet and World Wide Web? 

Yes, there is a difference between the two. Most people seem to mix up or mistake the two terms for the same thing. In 1990, computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. The web is the means of accessing information in the form of websites and hyperlinks, whereas the internet is the connection of computers. The web helped popularize the internet within the public whenever it became accessible to the public. 

If you are interested in learning more about the World Wide Web, check out this video

Impact of the Internet:

The internet has significantly played a role in how we communicate, learn, access entertainment, work, and so much more. It is a social and economic development with the creation of the internet and web. The internet has solved problems such as allowing the military and scientists to communicate with one another and allowing anyone to access data from all over the world and get it delivered within seconds. Although there are many positives to this creation, there are a few negatives. Some negative effects it's had on society are the lack of privacy, the fact financial information can be stolen, and people are experiencing addictions to the internet, which has a negative impact on social relationships. The internet is a culture that will continue to evolve and shape our future in countless ways. 

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